Showing posts with label Desert Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desert Dogs. Show all posts

Monday, 20 March 2017

Anvil Industry, Trench Fighters Review

I'm back with another review again, this time for Anvil's Trench Fighters range.

Following the success of my recent review of Anvil Industry's modular Regiments miniatures, I got talking to them, and they actually offered to send me a sample of their new Trench Fighters for free (I knew that running this blog would pay off one day...). The miniatures were given in exchange for a fair review, so I jumped at the chance. After all, I'd been thinking of buying a few bits from the range at some point, and as I was confident that they'd be nice miniatures, I was happy to oblige.

If you missed my first review of the Regiments parts, you can find it here.

What is a Trench Fighter?

The Trench Fighters range is really an expansion to the Regiments kits that Anvil already make; essentially adding in hundreds of components to an already diverse selection. The Regiments parts are a set of modular infantry bits that allow you to make completely unique infantry models. There are a huge range of different heads, torsos, weapons and legs. These options have now been expanded with the Trench Fighters release to include some cool new additions; most notably trench coats as well as some awesome new kit that runs the gambit from full on sci-fi lasers to WW1 & 2 inspired helmets and trench accessories. Overall, there are enough parts for literally thousands of combinations, so there's never been a better time to start building the squad of your dreams. The picture above shows two miniatures that I built entirely from the new Trench Fighters parts.

My sample regiment. I've been experimenting with dramatic photos lately, but the miniatures speak for themselves.

The Review

For this review, I was supplied with the parts to make about 10 men, with a large variety of heads and cool bits to play with. In an effort to cover all my bases, I decided to build and paint 5 of them up as a distinct regiment, to show what could be achieved in an army setting, as I'm sure a lot of Imperial Guard players will be wanting to know!

For the other five guys, I decided to build them like some kind of Post-Apocalyptic Survivors. Not only is this great for me as I like a good skirmish game, but it also gave me the opportunity to really go to town messing about with different bits. Here's some early pictures of what I came up with:

I went with long-greatcoat legs and the skull faced helms; because despite what Gillette might tell you, what a man really wants is a skull for a face and a bangin' trench coat. It's the best a man can get.

 On a serious note, you can see the resin quaity clearly in these shots, and those are crisp details that Games Workshop's Finecast can only dream of. The banner pole assembly is also a nice part that Anvil have created. The officer head comes from a sprue of several different capped heads that were my personal favorite part in the release.

For fun, I created these five all differently. They use a wide variety of bits, with mostly shorter trench coat legs and Trench Irregulars torsos. I suggest taking the time to have a look at each one individually, as if you like any one particular look, you could replicate a whole force of them. My personal favorite is the guy with the Bren Gun - although I swapped the sickle clip for a belt feed from a different Anvil gun as it was getting in his eye-line.

Resin Quality

I'd say without reservation that I consider Anvil's resin to be the gold-standard. This stuff really is what other manufacturers should be aspiring to; clean crisp details, minimal flash and mould lines are almost invisible. I also haven't noticed any warping in their parts either, so I'm assuming that everyone at Anvil worships Satan or something and have traded their souls for the secrets of casting little men. People might be dubious about taking my word for it, as I was given these just for the review, but I bought the last lot of stuff off my own back without telling Anvil about the review that I was writing and the quality was exactly the same. I really can't praise them enough, as anyone who has been hobbying  for a while will know what a minefield resin miniatures can be. I can only advise anyone interested to place a small order and see what turns up - I think you'll be impressed.


28mm, and as I did a bit of kit bashing in my last review, I can vouch for the fact that the parts are compatible with plastic Imperial Guard bits. Size wise, I'd probably call them semi-heroic; with good proportions that are very comparable to miniatures in 40k and a lot of other game systems.

In the interest of clarity, I've taken a shot of some Anvil guys side by side with a few infantry models from other games. As you can see, the scale is pretty much what you'd want it to be for any 28mm game.

From the left, a space marine, 3 Anvil models (the guy in white is from my last review of the Regiments Range), a Chaos Cultist, Dark Eldar Warrior, Cult Neophyte and a Pan-O Fusileer from Infinity.

Fitting, Mould Lines and Working with Anvil's Resin

As I mentioned earlier, there aren't a lot of mound lines. Anvil's resin both looks and feels like plastic; with an ease of building that really does defy what you generally take for granted with resin. The parts come fitted with short pegs on the tops of the arms and a peg at the waist to help position the torso correctly. They go together easily, and I had no problems putting my 10 infantry together in an afternoon. All the parts are completely interchangeable and can be used with any other bits from both the new Trench Fighters and the Regiments kits.

Delivery and Purchasing 

Anvil do free delivery on all orders of £40 and over. This includes international orders. The flat rate of £2 for UK orders below that threshold or £4.50 for international orders is pretty reasonable too. As these Trench Fighters were a sample, I didn't go through the purchasing process this time, but it's pretty easy; with drop-down menus that take you through the hundreds of options on offer and package deals for full units and more. If you're tempted by any of these models, I'd recommend heading on over to Anvil and having a dig about as the chances are that you can build exactly what you want (I know from personal experience that if you like 40k, you'll happily find enough bits to make some really nice custom Steel Legion as well as dozens of other familiar regiments). 

Anvil often also use slimline boxes for smaller orders; meaning that they fit through your letterbox with ease - leaving you with time go go out and buy all of those paints you're going to need when they arrive...


What I really love about these sets is that they let you tell your own story. Rather than being constrained by one look or feel, you can really go to town and create something unique. With all of the options on offer, you could quite happily make everything from an outer space boarding squad to a feral world warrior. The weapon arms are diverse too; giving you some great options as far as cool poses go. Rather than go on forever, I'd rather illustrate the point with a few miniatures that I built:

Why not go mean and militaristic with long trench coats and German-style helms with a future edge? The picture below also shows the great detail on the back of the coat. Models have backs too! And luckily Anvil haven't failed me there...

Not your thing? How about a WW1 style Brodie with a medic pack and pick axe? Just one example of the kind of thing you can make.

Or you could go wild with some trench irregulars bits and a nice shotgun.

Stick bomb, machete and snow mask? The shorter coats are cool too as you get some nice leg armour  which makes them look a little more high tech.

Plain gas masks are always a winner, and with a lot of weapon options to choose from to go with your chosen look there's no end of variety to be had.I painted this guy up in blue, as I wanted to show how different one unit of Trench Fighters can look from another.


I think the pictures speak for themselves. Both the quality of the models and the customer service from Anvil are great and well worth your attention. They really do offer something you don't see every day; the ability to design your own miniatures from the ground up, and with hundreds of options and an ever expanding range,  there's bound to be something for everyone. 

I'll leave you with a few more pictures that I didn't fit into the body of the article and this link to Anvil for you all to check out:

Monday, 27 February 2017

Squaduary - The End

Well, I finally finished my squad. Cheers to everyone who made it to the end with me.

I was doing so well in the beginning, with plenty of time to spare, but then the Dark Eldar came and messed everything up! Thankfully, I pushed through the pain this weekend and got these guys finished (and it was actual pain as well as figurative too thanks to the unexpected and rather miserable migraines I had).

The second batch in all their completeness 

I'm really happy to have these done though, and I hope to ship them off to the battlefield soon; fresh recruits for the meat-grinder of war. The Anvil Industry parts were like a dream to work with too and I'm happy with the unique look that I got. I used a lot of techniques to help me batch these guys and to get them ready within a reasonable time frame. If it weren't for all of the hobby distractions, I could've had them finished 2 weeks ago!

Just remember; no squad is complete without the Chainsaw Warrior!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Squaduary Challenge - Week 3 Progress

Nothing like a dark, moody, shot to make a bunch of half painted figures look half reasonable. This week I've been base coating another 5 guys ready for the final work and detailing during the final week of Squaduary. I've been massively distracted by a sudden need to create an entire coven of Dark  Eldar (those few Wracks have caused some kind of unstoppable epiphany!) so I'm hanging on in there with this project; bitterly fighting crazed obsession to the end.

The figures look great though - some really nice Anvil parts are doing most of the work for me for sure.

A veritable panorama of progress...

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Squaduary Challenge - Week 2

Another week of progress and I've managed to get half of the guys finished. I know that the official Squaduary thing is to base coat all of the models this week, but I prefer working in smaller groups till completion. This update is mostly pictures, so try not to be too disappointed by the lack of superfluous witty banter.

I'm happy with how they look as a squad. With any luck, I hope to finish the other 5 next week and then maybe do some bonus items or even a game in the last week!

I'm not sure why, but Captain Rikeroni kind of ended up looking like Big Boss' twin brother... 

A tide of zombies is already gathering to consume the still warm flesh of the new Del'Ragians. I guess some things never change.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Squaduary Challenge - Painting Test Mini

Surging forwards; I've finished the first test miniature. The colour scheme turned out to be more of a hassle than I had originally thought it would be. They were going to be blue to match the original Desert Dogs, but when I tried it they just didn't look right and half way through the test piece I started over. Luckily there were some white ones in the original force from 10 years ago; giving me the opportunity to reassess the colours and change plans half way through.

I've tried to really weather him and get a battered look; like they're fighting in an arid wasteland in the middle of a dust storm. It was kind of the idea anyway, but it is fun to have an image in mind sometimes. It can really inspire you and can bring up ideas that you probably wouldn't think of without that cinematic flash of inspiration.

 An example of this is how I used a bit of verdigris on the brass (same technique as I used on that Anime Figure); a colour I matched with green on the base to get some interest in there and inject a bit of colour into the scheme.

Ah, the originals. At the time they were revolutionary, not so much these days. The comparison is pretty funny though.

Like my Genestealer Cult (link to some pictures of the troops); I planned the painting process to allow for batching and to get in different textures and looks without having to spend too much time per model. These guys are bound for the tabletop, not a showcase, so I'm not going to be too precious with their paint as they'll see a lot of handling.

Anyway, I hope people like the scheme; here's hoping the rest go as smoothly. On a side note, I have problems capturing white with my camera. It seems to reflect the light back at the lens or something and the pictures aren't as good as they could be, but I think it'll be better when I have a few more of them in the shot!

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Squaduary Challenge - Week 1 Goal Complete

The Desert Dogs ride again!

For those who might be wondering, Squaduary is all about building and painting a squad in February and is an event being run by the blog Stepping Between Games. The goal for the first week is to build your miniatures, so in this post I'm presenting the fruits of my labor; namely the recently reincarnated Desert Dogs (back due to popular demand after their 10 year hiatus). Gaming wise, I'm planning to use them as a faction in some games of Inquisitor (28mm scale) as a Planetary Defence Force turned police unit. We'll see if the can stem the waiting tides of mutants, heretics, plague zombies and ermm.... Mechanicus?

Parts wise they're almost entirely Anvil Indistry bits with the addition of some extra helms and odd parts from the bits box. Interestingly, the plastic helmets come from some Bot Handlers from a game called Malestrom's Edge that I got for free in my goodie bag at Salute! (I'd love to say it was because I'm so famous, or silver tongued and handsome, but everyone got them...)

Get to the Choppahh...

Space Marine Flamer? Seems to fit ok.

I'm trying out some texture paint for the bases too, but more on that later.

Until next time; party on dudes.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Anvil Industry Regiments - Squaduary Challenge Begins

I'm planning a full review of these parts in the near future, but I wanted to share the first few miniatures I created last night. I've been building them as a reimagining of a classic unit from my gaming past (Del'Ragio's Desert Dogs), and I'm hoping to put them to work in some games of Inquisitor (28mm scale) as a unique Planetary Defence Force unit (hence the different armaments).

They're made mostly with Anvil parts and I have to say that so far I'm loving it. The details are great and they've been fun to work on; for more info than that, you'll have to read the full review (planned to be up in a few days).

On a side note, I'm planning to build and paint all of these miniatures in February as part of the Squaduary (#Squaduary) challenge started by Rory at Stepping Between Games ( The challenge is to build and paint a unit in a month; so it just seemed like the perfect challenge to combine with these guys, especially as they arrived on my doormat on 01th Feb!

I'll have more info on Squaduary later, but for now I'm just showing last night's progress: