Showing posts with label Rumour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rumour. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 November 2018

New Slaanesh Herald/Enchantress Photos - front and back

 Click to see the pictures in big. I took these at yesterday's event myself.

The top one is the 3d design from the designer's desk. Really loving the human harp. It's a great detail!

Monday, 5 December 2016

Codex Traitor Legions - Emperor's Children Rules?

By now, I'm sure a lot of people will have seen the hashed out shorthand version of the Traitor Legions' rules on Natfka. As an avid Emperor's Children fan I excitedly checked out their section. For those who missed it, I've copied out the relevant section at the bottom.

The first thing I had to ask is - how accurate/non rubbishy are these rules? And did they come from the book. After having a thorough read, they do look quite legit; there's no particularly telltale signs that they're not "real" like obvious overpower or random things that don't make sense. That said, they're a little hard to completely decipher given the fact they're like someone else's scribbled notes.


The Legion trait of Feel no Pain 6+ and fearlessness for all models with Veterans of the Long war will be a really nice bonus; giving a bit more survive ability in all aspects with an ever-useful stacking save. Noise marines as troops is a bit redundant as Chaos already have that with a Chaos Lord with the mark of Slaanesh.

The inclusion of combat drugs is stated too, although I'm not sure how this will work as it's a little unclear. If it's free it'll be incredible (a little broken too). I'm assuming that you'll have to pay points for it somewhere or by having it through a formation. I couldn't work it out really (although +1 BS for my Noise Marines please)

The 6 warlord traits look decent, in particular the ability to add 1 to Feel no Pain rolls is looking desire able. If this rule set is right, the Icon of excess gives a unit a 4+ Feel no pain, so I could see a lot of people fishing to make it a 3+! (A stacking 3+ , Heresy!).

The Kakophoni Warband formation looks rather powerful if this info is correct. Shred and Split-Fire will make them deadly as anything and the additional point of strength on the guns will make those Sonic Blasters something to fear. The only downside is that you need 3 units of Noise Marines, which would mean a minimum of 18 for 3 units of 6 and a chaos lord - not sure how often I'd field that (especially given how silly having a massive wad of them with an icon of excess would be). Any way you look at it, this is one interesting rumour and I guess at this point we'll know more when the book is out.

Emperor’s Children
must: only Luciius unique; need mk Slaanesh; only mk Slaamesh; VotLW; psykers & demons can take full from Slaanesh expanded discipline
gain: fueled by sensation: VotLW gain Fearless & FnP6+ (units w/icon of excess make that FnP4+), VotLW if slain n fight sub phase before it swings gets 1 immediate attack; Matsers Kakophoni: Noise Marines are troops
WT: all legions get the re-roll their legion warlord trait
EC Warlord
 gain eternal Warrior;
+2 Init;
add 1 to FnP of WL & his unit;
Gain Fear & melee opponents locked in cc w/warlord & his unit take fear on 3D6;
+1 attack each time you lose a wound (returns if healed);
can auto-pass look out sir!

Intoxicating elixir (25) make D3 rolls on combat drugs, cumulative, ;
Shriekwave (20) gun 12” S8,AP2, assault D6, mental trauma (before attack target takes ldsh test and f failed you re-roll these to-wound);
soul snare Lash (20) soulsnare- (to wound 6 is AP2/instant death) if range( 6” S4 AP5 assault 2, sousnare) or melee S user AP5 melee, soulsnare
Endless Grin (10) you have fear, enemies w/in6” -1 leadreship;
Bolts of ecstatic vexation (15) bolt weapons gain blast, ignores cover and pinning;
Blissgiver (30) AP3 catatonic trance - target must pass ldsh test/wound or die
army: combat drugs! roll after deployment for all your non-vehicles
1- +1 WS
2- +1 BS
3- +1 Init
4- +1 S
5 - +1 T
6- +1 A
core: chaos warband, Kakophani (Lucius or Ch Lord, 3-6 noise marines—get split fire & all sonic weapons gain shred. If take 6 noise marines they also get +1 St guns)
command: lord of legion
aux: lost & damned + 8
obj: destroy enemy w/noise weapons; kill enemy in challenge; kill a unit falling back; Vp per unit fails morale, fear, pinning (max 3); your enemy picks obj marker and D3Vo when you take it; D3 VP if your enemy controls no objectives (improves)