Thursday 17 October 2019

Dreadtober Talos 2nd Week Progress

Painting has commenced on my Talos with legs conversion. There's still a long way to go, but it's starting to actually look like something!

In terms of the work so far, I began by painting the bulk of the gloss red areas, as getting the high shine effect is quite labour and time intensive. It worked well though. After that, I basecoated the flesh areas with Rakarth Flesh, and painted the base too.

Personally, I like the mantra "bases and bases" when it comes to painting. Often getting a basecoat on your mini and painting their base gives an impression of the final model, and also gives a decent tabletop level finish. That's prettyour much where we're at now.

Next steps will be finishing the smaller red gloss details, and then washing and detailing the skin. Somewhere in there I need to start on the metallics too, so there's plenty to be getting on with.


  1. Love that metallic glossy red effect, really helps link the legs to the rest of the actual Talos mini parts. Nice warped sick mind constructs these things ;)

    1. Thanks! I think it'll start to come into its own soon once I can get the rest of the base coats down and start washing the flesh etc.

  2. It's looking great already man!

    1. Thanks, I just wanted to get an update up on here before another week passed!

  3. I'm loving that candy-apple red armor!

    1. Thanks - it's worth the 8-9 coats of paint then!

  4. Yeah, the gloss red really brings it to life (hopefully not literally). Looking great!

  5. This looks so good man! Inspired conversion and awesome paint scheme, I love it!

  6. Contrasting the bright glossy red against muted pale skin tunes makes it look extra intimidating imho. Nicely done sir!
